
The program of Wednesday, March 5, 2014 Human Analytics workshops is outlined on this page. The workshops are your way to learn from experts about the solutions and technologies you need to compete in today's high-velocity, hyper-competitive business climate.

Visit the Symposium Agenda page for information on the March 6, 2014 conference presentations and panels. Reminder: Attend either day or both.

Business Track

Insider's Guide to Social Media MeasurementMorning workshop: 9:00 am to 12:30 pm

Steve Rappaport photo Instructor: Stephen Rappaport, the Advertising Research Foundation, @SteveRappaport, @The_ARF

Welcome to the world of "humetrics." Workshop instructor Stephen Rappaport coined that term to describe the big shift from our industry's age-old preoccupation with media measurement to understanding people by gauging and interpreting their digital lives. Rappaport's forth-coming "Digital Metrics Field Guide" (from which this workshop description is derived) helps us recognize data points not merely as impersonal dots on a trend line, percentage changes, or ratios. They are, in fact, personal -- capturing what people say, do and feel in real time. Once we view digital metrics as reflecting individuals, they become characters we employ to craft compelling narratives about people and brands that we later share with our colleagues in and outside of our areas. Those narratives fortify brands with a common understanding that increases the potential to act in the best interests of customers and prospects, and to create and execute successful marketing strategies.

The Insider's Guide to Social Media Measurement will have four sections:

  1. introduction and overview of social media measurement
  2. case studies illustrating the use of social media measures (with audience participation and comments)
  3. hands-on workshop. We will present three typical business scenarios and have the attendees work through them, including developing an analytic strategy, measurement plan, etc.
  4. wrap-up and final Q&A

Stephen Rappaport will be joined in presenting the workshop by Vincent Santino, Associate Director of Digital Insights & Analytics at Kaplan Test Prep; Peter Fontana, Research & Insights Director at the social media agency We Are Social; and Maribel Lara, Account Director at M80.

The Road to Customer IntelligenceAfternoon workshop: 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm

Steve Ramirez photo Instructor: Steve Ramirez, CEO, Beyond the Arc, @BeyondTheArc

The Road to Customer Intelligence: Data, Analytics, Insight

Customer intelligence is the key to deeper and more profitable customer relationships, an essential asset for strategic, competitive decision making. How do you get there? The Road to Customer Intelligence: Data, Analytics, Insight, taught by industry leader Steve Ramirez, will teach you how.

The Customer Intelligence workshop will offer a thorough, practical look at elements that business analysts, managers, and executives must master to compete in today’s hyper-competitive, high-velocity, Big Data world: Unstructured Data, Voice of the Customer, Social Customer Insights, and Predictive Analytics.

How much of your data is your organization using to create insights about your customers? For many companies, an explosion of unstructured data sources like support email, call center notes, and social media, hasn't resulted in a corresponding windfall of better customer understanding, much less an improved customer experience or increase in revenues.

The phenomenon of Big Data has captured the imaginations of executives across industries. This workshop will examine a data-science case study. This cutting-edge Big Data analysis married text analytics of unstructured customer feedback, large-scale processing of transaction data, and the application of machine learning algorithms to identify which customer experience issues were most likely to drive churn, and for whom.

Yet text analytics and data analysis tools are only one piece of the puzzle. Without the right Voice of the Customer strategies in place, you’ll wind up with a handful of reports… and little else.Learn from the best practices of some of the most mature and successful Voice of the Customer programs. As a workshop participant, you will be introduced to a straightforward methodology you can deploy immediately.

Key takeaways include:

If you've been challenged with how to derive real, demonstrable ROI from your VOC program, the Customer Insight Analytics workshop is for you.

Technical Track

Practical Sentiment AnalysisMorning tutorial: 9:00 am to 12:30 pm

Jason Baldridge photo Instructor: Jason Baldridge, Univ of Texas and People Pattern, @JasonBaldridge

The Practical Sentiment Analysis tutorial will introduce the concepts of sentiment analysis and opinion mining from unstructured text, looking at why they are useful and what tools and techniques are available. The tutorial is designed for advanced users, developers, consultants, and others who seek to understand the technology behind the tools they're using (or hope to build).

Tutorial Description

People use language to communicate not just ideas, but also to selectively reveal their internal mental and psychological life. By expressing opinions about ideas, people, and products, a person conveys secondary information about their personality, their values, and their background. Some of this secondary information is explicitly coded in the message, e.g. saying "I love hiking" sends the clear message that the speaker is an outdoorsy sort; however, other properties of the speaker can be gleaned from the general topics they discuss and from their sub-conscious linguistic expression, such as introversion and status.

Opinion mining is (by now) a well-known natural language processing technique that generally focuses on the explicit portion of opinion expression. Given the great volume of text created and readily accessible online, tremendous value can be derived from this level of analysis, especially for marketers, political campaigns, and the like. Opinion mining itself takes many forms depending on the granularity of analysis desired, from the most basic determination of whether a given document is generally positive or negative to much more specific questions such as whether a given individual is strongly in favor of a given political position based on texts they've authored, their online behaviors and their social network.

This tutorial will dive below the surface of opinion mining in three primary ways. First, we focus on some of the underlying algorithms and the opportunities and challenges for the varied kinds of inputs and outputs involved. In particular, we will discuss semi-supervised learning techniques and their relevance for entity and topic extraction in combination with opinion mining. We will also cover the difference between features used for topic classification and sentiment analysis and those used for stylistic analysis (such as authorship determination). Second, we look at what additional information might be determined from non-explicit components of linguistic expression, as well as non-textual aspects of the input, such as social networks, sensors, and other secondary data. Third, we will also consider issues in the empirical evaluation of automated opinion mining tools.

Tutorial Outline

Previous tutorials have been taught by Ronen Feldman of the Hebrew University (May 2013); Diana Maynard, research fellow at the Univ. of Sheffield, UK (November, 2012); Bing Liu of the University of Illinois at Chicago (May 2012; Christopher Potts of Stanford University (November 2011); and staff from eBay Research Labs (April 2011).

Technology & InnovationAfternoon presentations & panels: 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm

Session 1 (1:30 pm - 2:55 pm)

Session 2 (3:20 pm - 5:00 pm)

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